Switching 101

Switching 101

Switching, to put it simply, is someone who has traits, desires, and kinks that fall on both sides of the BDSM exchange of power. This poses a unique set of needs and considerations that goes much deeper than simply researching Dominance and submission as separate topics. It is the constant shift and balance that brings [...]

Safe Words

Safe Words

Whether you are familiar with BDSM or not, chances are you've heard of "safe words" in some sort of conversation, movie, blog, etc. And while this post's intention is to educate you on what a safe word is, most importantly I want to teach you when and how to use them the right way. Having a safe word is no better than having a car that doesn't start if you don't feel confident and comfortable using them when a situation or scene begins to shift to a place that makes you feel unsafe, begins to approach your hard limits or if you are just plain not into it anymore. And spoiler alert: Dominants, this blog is for you, too.

Dominance 101

Dominance 101

If I'm being honest, I spent an embarrassing amount of time choosing the featured image for this blog. I didn't know exactly what image I was searching for but I knew for damn sure I was not about to perpetuate the image of a Dominant being a well dressed man in a three piece suit. Dominants, possibly even more than submissives, have been forced into this one size fits all box and I am here to tell you that Dominants come in all shapes, genders, socioeconomic levels and kinks. In summary, much like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Dominance is in the eye of the submissive. When you care for and guide your submissive, you are the perfect definition of a Dominant- even you don't own a suit.

Submission 101

Submission 101

I thought I would continue our BDSM basics series by digging in a little deeper about what a submissive is and the different submissive roles within the BDSM community. Submissives choose to give up control to their Dominant within the BDSM dynamic. Submission is a gift, and one that should not be given lightly as [...]



What is it? What causes it? Have I ever felt it? Subspace wasn't something I experienced prior to B, and I know some subs who haven't experienced it at all who are completely satisfied in their submissive journey. So if that's you- relax, take a deep breath, and don’t worry. Your ability to enter subspace does not define your dynamic or your submission and just because you haven't experienced it yet, doesn't mean you never will.

What is BDSM?

What is BDSM?

Please consider the following as "Emily's Cheat Sheet to BDSM", rather that the need all, be all explanation. There are much more technical and in depth definitions all over the internet, but here is my stab at explaining the lifestyle and some of the terms I may throw around on my blog.